AeroLeds Sunspot 36- HX/LX Lights Question


New Member
My Husky has four AeroLeds Sunspot 36- HX/LX lights - two on each wing, four total. They are wired so (I believe) that they can either be in landing, taxi, or recognition (flashing) mode. The plane also has the usual wingtip strobes and red/green/white nav lights.

When to use the landing and taxi lights is obvious. It seems to me that I should keep the recognition lights on at all times while in flight - if nothing else it makes my airplane more visible and might prevent midair encounters. Or does someone recommend otherwise?

Paul Collins

Active Member
What with the smoke we now have in the Idaho backcountry, having these recognition lights on is a life-saving tool. it's often how we get VFR conditions back there.
Paul C


Active Member
Turned mine on taxiing into position for TO… when clearing the runway after landing. Not just for other planes but maybe helpful with birds.



Active Member
We do like Groshel. Flashers and strobes on before takeoff and off clearing the runway.