Husky A-1 Climb Performance


New Member
Can Someone help me figure out this climb performance question?

What would be the take off and climb performance over a 50' obstacle on a -10⁰C/+14°F and a 30⁰C/86⁰F (applying density altitude) day at KCFE airport?


Active Member
That’s about a 5000’ swing in DA. Weight, CG, and 180 vs 200 HP are important variables, but if it were my 99 A-1B with a -2000’ DA at 2000 lbs I’d expect to have the wheels off by 250’ or less, and be at 50’ by 6-700’ if I held a full flap climb with an IAS around 62-64. I pay more attention to my AoA in that configuration but that would be the speed range that gets me the best climb angle. I see DAs like that when its about -20C on my home field - the coldest I operate when flying for fun.

3000’ DA, on the other hand, is normal summer day where I live. At 2000 lbs I’d have wheels off at 300-350’ and would clear 50’ around 800. Maybe a bit less.

There will be lots of folks on this forum that have more polished technique than I do so their numbers may be better. I have VGs, and both scenarios are assuming winds of 5 knots or less.

By the way, I wouldn’t consider a full flap Vx climb to be the safest departure technique under normal conditions, but that wasn’t the question.
