The Passing of Hal Terry


Well-Known Member
Today I learned of the passing of Hal Terry. He was hell of a pilot and one of the truly "real characters" of aviation. I had come across his book, Fly the Wild and Stay Alive which is a very good book on flying where we all love to, but perhaps shouldn't and encountering live threatening conditions……. All the while living to tell about it.

Some time later I was standing in the line for the outhouse at a rural event here in Montana and turned to chat with the man behind me. He looked awfully familiar and had the name "Hal" scrawled on his jacket in black marker pen. I said, Are you from Alaska? "No, I lived there once though." Do you live in Arizona? (That was the address where he lived while writing the book and where I ordered it from). "No, but I lived there once also." Well, you look like the man who wrote a book on flying which I have. "Oh Yea, I wrote a book on bush flying."

So started a friendship that lasted for many years. He taught me invaluable lessons on flying an airplane and living life fully. I will miss him!


Well-Known Member

It's always a sadness when good people leave, especially those with admirable talents and skill acquired through a lifetime of adventurous living.

sorry for your loss . . .

His biography is very interesting. He reminds me of the many interesting and unique aviators I meet.
I just bought his book "Fly the Wild and Stay Alive" on Amazon.