Help select our logo

Scott Musser

Staff member
The Winner!!

Does this capture the baby bush wheel look in your opinion? Looks fine to me, but some of you seem focused on that area. If not, give my your suggestions.

Stay tuned for integration into Fly Husky.

Thanks for all your help and input.



New Member
Perfect - just perfect.

I only hope the mountains in the background translate well to tee-shirts and caps.

I'm relieved that the Husky float plane drivers didn't make an issue about the logo plane not being on floats - thanks guys and gals!



New Member
Kris Maynard owns a company that makes customized caps, t-shirts, etc. He has been kind enough to provide free caps and t-shirts for all of the Husky fly-ins.

I agree with Jerry - can't wait to order some stuff!



New Member
Kris may be a "reluctant holdout" to the old list-serve. I'll send him an email and have him get in contact with you.

FYI - Kris is the long distance flyer who recently set the fuel economy record in his Husky.



New Member
If you want to please everybody,

you could add a little hangar by a lake at the bottom of the image, with maybe an A-frame and a chain-hoist and a set of floats ready to be installed after this flight.

That'd satisfy me, and save the trouble of having to start up

I can't see how anybody could possibly complain but of course come winter you'd hear from the ski guys unless you put a set of skis right alongside the floats in the picture. And an MT prop in a crate, leaning against the hangar.



New Member
Great logo! I like the mountains.

And some of us fly floats AND wheels! (Sure would look funny with a Baby Bushwheel on a Husky floatplane.....)

Scott Musser

Staff member

I don't see it. Can you be more specific? The frame looks identical to my Husky without the Munson window.