Reed Ranch, ID

Jerry Cain

The RAF, IAA, IAF, and the ID DOT Aeronautics have worked since 2005 to have the USFS open this strip for public use. From the announcenent below, it looks like we are finally successful, but please don't jump the gun in landing there. I'm sure there will be an official opening announcement in a few months.


JV DeThomas, Administrator for the Idaho Division of Aeronautics, asked that the following information be widely disseminated. Please pass this along. Thank you.

The US Forest Service has put out a press release indicating
that the State will get a special use permit to open Reed Ranch
airstrip. This has been picked up by several news organizations. What
has not been made clear is that there is a 45 day appeal period to the
USFS decision until the State can get a use permit, probably sometime
late June or July of this year. I'm afraid someone may mistake the news
and try to land at Reed before we get permission and make the necessary
improvements. This would be embarrassing to our Idaho aviation
community. Maybe you could put out one of your IAA NOTAMS to let
everyone know that the field is still not open to the public and that
the Aeronautics Division will put out public word when it is open.
JV DeThomas

John V. ("JV") DeThomas
Administrator, Idaho Division of Aeronautics
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, Idaho 83707
(208) 334-8788