Husky A-1C Simulation for X-Plane


If you are interested in keep your skills active while away from the plane or just having something to show non-flyers the fun of it all there is a new Husky sim featuring bush wheel, float, and RF 8001 ski versions with the best of the A-1C paint jobs from Aviat selections.

If you are not familiar with X-Plane, it is the most accurate flight simulation tool on the commercial market.

The Husky model is created by a Husky owner, CFII, and 757/767 pilot (all me) as a contributor to Shade Tree Micro Aviation (STMA) and available through the store.

X-Plane 11 will be introduced in the spring and is in beta form now. The current Husky models fly well in it but we will have a v11 model when Laminar Research goes final with production XP11.

This is a public service announcement
